AWR Hawkins
1950 to 2010: Not one mass public shooting where citizens could be armed
2 million first-time gun owners in first half of 2020 alone
20 attorneys general join fight against Joe Biden’s executive gun control
20 times bad guys were stopped by armed citizens in 2016
91-year-old Concealed Carry Permit holder shoots robbery suspect
9th Circuit Court: Gun store COVID shutdowns violated Constitution
Alabama becomes 22nd Constitutional Carry state
Americans bought approximately 21 million guns in 2020, sales up 73%
Another day, another court decision against New York gun control
Austrian gun sales quadruple as migrant crime rises
CBS: Mexico murder rate 5x higher than U.S. despite strict gun control
CDC: Accidental poisoning death 51 times more likely than accidental shooting death
CNN calls out Joe Biden for numerous ‘false claims’ about guns
CNN uses misleading data to claim over 100 mass shootings in 2023
Central Valley School Board votes unanimously to arm teachers
Concealed Carry Permit holder shoots, kills ‘active shooter’
Concealed permit holder receives commendation for saving officer’s life
Congressional Study: Murder Rate Plummets as Gun Ownership Soars
District judge: ‘Right to bear arms’ includes right to carry outside home
Donald Trump to NRA: Concealed carry can thwart heinous attacks
Donald Trump: I’ll sign national reciprocity if it reaches my desk
FBI report shows violent crime decreased as gun sales increased
FBI: Officers killed with firearms decreased 40 percent as gun sales soared in 2013
Fact Check: Gun Owners of America spokeswoman claims ‘94 percent of mass shootings occur in gun-free zones’
Five actions President Trump can take to save 2nd Amendment
Flashback: Chicago Tribune warned of dangers of gun bans in 2010
Florida governor signs bill allowing armed teachers for classroom defense
Florida vying to become 46th state to allow open carry
Four Rhode Island towns declare 2nd Amendment Sanctuary
Fresno County Sheriff Praises Concealed Carry After Permit Holder Staves Off Attack, Robbery
GOA: National Reciprocity Bill Has More Than 80 Cosponsors
GOP Rep. introduces legislation to nullify state-level gun controls
GOP rep introduces national concealed carry reciprocity on day one of new congress
Gilroy Garlic Festival prohibited ‘weapons of any kind’
Governor Pete Ricketts declares Nebraska a ‘2nd Amendment Sanctuary State’
Gun control fail: Mexico homicides nearly three times higher than U.S.
Gun violence declining, except in gun-free zones
Gun-control update: More than 4,000 people shot across Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago in 2020
Here’s how many lives were taken in just 8 armed attacks in gun free zones
Inventor wins battle with DOJ to distribute 3D-printed gun designs
Jeff Sessions in confirmation hearings: Right to bear arms ‘historic,’ Constitutionally protected
John Lott destroys left’s go-to gun control study
Johns Hopkins study: No evidence ‘assault weapon’ bans reduce mass shootings
Judge rules against the requirements in California’s Handgun Roster
Judge strikes Pittsburgh ban on use of AR-15s, ‘high cap’ magazines
Kentucky sheriff to concealed permit holders: Carry daily to fight ‘Radicalized Islamic Extremists’
L.A. County Sheriff’s effort to close gun stores gets shut down
L.A. County: Only 197 Concealed Carry Permits for 10.2 Million Residents
Maine Gov. signs bill abolishing permit requirement for concealed carry
Mass shooting deaths vs. car deaths
Mass stabbing suspect stopped when confronted by a good guy with a gun
Matt Bevin eliminates concealed permit requirement in Kentucky
Minnesota concealed carry surges by more than 6,000 licensees in January alone
Montana lawmaker: Requiring concealed permit gives advantage to criminals
Mother jumps out of shower, grabs gun, shoots alleged intruder to save her children
National reciprocity a possibility under President Trump
Ninth Circuit Panel strikes California semiauto rifle ban for 18-20 year-olds
Ninth Circuit Panel: Knives Are ‘Arms’ Protected by Second Amendment
Ninth Circuit rules against California ban on ‘large capacity mags’
Ohio becomes 23rd Constitutional Carry state
Ohio lawmakers respond to OSU attack: Open up college campuses to concealed carry
Oregon sheriff: Gun control push ‘borderline treasonous,’ will not enforce
Pittsburgh mayor pushes firearm confiscation orders, gun and magazine bans
Police Chief: Concealed carry is part of crime-fighting in Detroit
Police chiefs say armed citizens reduce violent crime
Private companies must honor gun rights in Tennessee parks
Record: Ohio issues nearly 26,000 concealed permits in 3rd quarter
Report: 92 percent of mass shootings since 2009 occurred in gun-free zones
Researcher reaffirms: At least 760,000 defensive gun uses a year
Second Circuit panel strikes ‘social media’ review for New York concealed carry permits
States where the 2nd Amendment is your carry permit
Stringent California gun controls failed to stop synagogue attack
Study: ‘Assault weapon’ and magazine bans do not lower homicide rates
Study: 89% of 21st century mass shootings occurred in gun-free zones
Study: College-age concealed permit holders don’t fit left’s lawless portrayal
Study: Concealed permit holders among the most law-abiding of law-abiding citizens
Superior Court judge strikes down Seattle gun storage ordinance
The rich and famous flock to Beverly Hills’ only gun store for protection
Trump aides advised to get guns, carry permits amid threat of violence
Unconstitutional: Attorneys argue against Concealed Carry Permit requirements
Unpublished CDC study confirms over 2 million annual defensive gun uses
Utah becomes 17th state to abolish concealed carry permit requirement
Venezuelans lament gun ban: Allows government to dominate them
Visa pledges to process gun sales as long as people can buy guns
WV Senate concurs with House: 2nd Amendment is sufficient carry permit
Washington state police chief vows zero enforcement of newly passed gun controls
West Virginia AG: Coronavirus does not erase 2nd Amendment rights
West Virginia Senate: The 2nd Amendment is a concealed carry permit
Australian Associated Press
California Gun Rights Foundation
Crime Prevention Research Center
District of Columbia et al v. Heller
Don't Walk, Run! Productions
Firearms Policy Coalition
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Lubbock Avalanche-Journal
National Firearms Association
One Armed Man
21 state attorneys general ask the Supreme Court to void a Maryland gun law
61 statistics describing U.S. gun owners, demographics, concealed carry, and more
69 mass shootings have been stopped by armed civilians
A Florida man says his pregnant wife saved his life in home invasion — with an AR-15
A Front Sight member is running for Governor of California
Anti-gun people now want guns, and they’re surprised they can’t buy them online and have them shipped to their homes
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signs bill to defy any new federal gun control laws
Arkansas state senate passes bill banning enforcement of federal gun control laws
Armed citizens stop massacres
Biden’s false claim that the 2nd Amendment bans cannon ownership
Biden’s gun agenda could cost AR-15 owners $3.6 billion in taxes on firearms they already own
Biden/Harris campaign ‘a uniquely grave threat’
Bloomberg: We can’t just let ‘average’ Americans have guns; Warren: I will not support concealed carry
COVID-19 and the concealed carrier
California sheriff encourages concealed-carry holders in his county to ‘exercise their rights’
Choosing a carry holster
Citizen suggests council declare BHC a Second Amendment sanctuary
Comparative effectiveness: Police and armed citizens
Congressional GOP misses the mark with gun confiscation proposal
Couple confronted by armed criminals
Court rejects qualified immunity for cop who arrested gun owner carrying valid permit
Dark Storm Industries to move to Titusville
David Chipman, anti-gun nut
Dear San Francisco: I am not a terrorist
Debunking ‘assault rifle’ lies
Debunking the myth of ‘concealed-carry killers’
Defending what’s important
Defense of self and property in California
Florida homeowner utilized Second Amendment right when he killed intruder: sheriff
Georgia adopts Constitutional Carry
Gun confiscation does not equal gun safety
Gun memes
Gun stores and industry seek to stay open as ‘essential’ during virus crisis
Historic victory for Second Amendment rights in ‘assault weapon’ lawsuit
History of gun confiscation
How many guns to buy
How to test self-defense ammo
If you’re not free to defend yourself, you’re not free
Intruder demands dad hand over belongings, so he lets him have four bullets
Judge Barrett on the Second Amendment
Just like voting
L.A. County Sheriff: Homicides up 95% over 2020; will issue more conceal carry permits
Latino voters all-in for gun control … our new country is going to be great
Liberal politicians who order police to stand down are the same people who want to ban guns
Little Boy Beto and his party declare of war on law-abiding Americans
Loaded chamber carry
Maine tops ‘safest states’ rankings four years after removing major gun restriction
Make your guns totally invisible
Mass shooter stopped by man with a rifle
Missouri lawmakers propose minutemen militia force, advance nullification of federal gun laws
Mohave County declares itself a Second Amendment sanctuary
More liberal hypocrisy
More than 61% of American counties are now Second Amendment Sanctuaries
My husband was shot dead in a gun-free zone — Now his imprisoned killer sends me love letters
Myth busted: Campus carry never caused that increase in violence liberals predicted
NYPD will issue easier-to-fire guns to new recruits, aiming for improved accuracy
Nancy Pelosi has been knowingly lying about child gun deaths to push gun control
Needles formalizes ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’ declaration
Obama explains his assault weapon policies
One answer for three questions
Piazza announces Front Sight ‘restructuring’
Piazza puts Front Sight ‘restructuring’ on hold
Pro-gun one-liners
Progressive governments’ economic war on the NRA fails in court
Prozac maker paid millions to secure favorable verdict in mass shooting lawsuit, victims say
Reasons for requesting a CCW
Resolved: Keep buying guns, especially AR-15s and like weapons, ammunition, and high-capacity magazines
San Diego County sheriff declares gun shops provide a ‘valuable public service’
Second Amendment rights
Sensible gun logic
Smith & Wesson moving HQ out of Mass. as anti-gun bills threatening 60% of its revenue left company ‘no choice’
Studies find no evidence that assault weapon bans reduce homicide rates
Supreme Court: Right to bear arms protected by the highest category of liberty recognized by law
Tazewell County Board of Supervisors passes resolution to emphasize right to militia
Texas joins 21 other states asking U.S. Supreme Court for clarity on major gun rights case
The ‘bad science’ behind Democrats’ gun control
The ‘corona virus’ and concealed carriers
The Kristen McMains case: The armed defender’s dilemma
The Melinda Herman Case: Six shots to save your life
The NRA stands upon a cornerstone of liberty
The U.S. Postal Service and you
The ammunition shortage
The ammunition shortage (update)
The great state of Tennessee just became the 20th state to abolish concealed carry permit requirements
The original ‘assault rifle’
The right to bear arms
The secret history of Valentine’s Day revealed
Title 1 update
Trump administration designates firearms industry as essential
U.S. Supreme Court limits police power to enter homes with no warrant
US Supreme Court: Gun licensing fees are unconstitutional
United States homicide rate 1885-2012
Universal justification for the use of deadly force
What is the purpose of a handgun?
When to carry
Why criminal mentality might matter
Second Amendment Foundation
U.S. Department of Justice