Mexico has one gun store, stringent gun controls, and nearly three times the number of homicides witnessed in the U.S.

The Sun reports that there have been 94 homicides a day, on average, in Mexico during 2019. In the U.S., there are approximately 90 firearm-related deaths a day, on average, but only one-third of those are homicides. This means while heavily gun-controlled Mexico is seeing 94 homicides a day, the U.S. is seeing 30 to 40. And U.S. firearm homicides are largely driven by gun violence in heavily gun-controlled, Democrat-run cities.

On May 24, 2018, the Los Angeles Times noted that Mexico only has one gun store. The store is called the “Directorate of Arms and Munitions Sales,” and Mexican citizens who wish to enter must pass a background check, which includes various stages of documentation.

CBS News reports that the background check process requires six documents:

A birth certificate, a letter confirming employment, proof of a clean criminal record from the attorney general’s office in the applicant’s home state, a utility bill with current address, a copy of a government-issued ID and a federal social security number.

On August 17, 2016, Breitbart News reported that Mexico had a homicide rate over five times that in the U.S.

Source: AWR Hawkins,