The list of Leftists demanding gun confiscation
Once again proving that the Liberty grabber claim that ‘No one is talking about gun confiscation’ is a lie.
Leftists Lie about their obvious goal of gun confiscation to get people to accept the unlawful control over their private property that will lead to gun confiscation. They do this by denying that they are demanding gun confiscation while demanding gun confiscation. These lists are important in that they clearly illustrate that these denials are just bold-faced Lies.
Simply ordering gun owners to turn over their property is the easiest form of confiscation. This is facilitated with lists of gun owners gleaned from Intergalactic Background Checks [Enhanced, Universal, etc.] or registration. This is why the Leftist Liberty grabbers obsess over these critical steps to their final solution for the gun problem. Please note that this is an abridged list since there are numerous euphemisms for confiscation such as bans based on the use of open-ended phrases [“Military Style” or “Assault Weapons”].
Source: D. Parker,