California DOJ drops defense of SB 1327
Tonight, we learned that the California DOJ will drop its defense of SB 1327. This is the law that attempts to shift attorney fees to force parties and attorneys who challenge gun control measures to pay the State’s legal fees. CRPA and others filed a lawsuit to challenge the fee shifting provisions of the law (South Bay Rod and Gun Club v. Bonta).
The Attorney General is refusing to continue defending against the California Rifle and Pistol Association (CRPA) lawsuit and has notified Governor Newsom of this. It seems even the Governor’s own Attorney General (AG) knows this law is indefensible and a losing proposition. This means the AG has abandoned Newsom and is forcing the Governor to defend against the law that he championed.
The speculation is that this move by the AG may have been brought on by a Rule 11 sanction motion served on the state by CRPA earlier today. This motion requested monetary sanctions from the court against the state if they continued to defend SB 1327.
Stay engaged in the fight to keep and bear arms!
Source: California Rifle and Pistol Association (CRPA)