Tazewell County Board of Supervisors passes resolution to emphasize right to militia
TAZEWELL COUNTY, Va. (WJHL) — Several Southwest Virginia communities have passed resolutions to become Second Amendment sanctuaries, but Tazewell County took it a step further.
On December 3, the Tazewell County Board of Supervisors passed two resolutions.
The first resolution declared Tazewell County a Second Amendment sanctuary, meaning the county declared it would not provide funding for any effort that would infringe upon its citizens’ Second Amendment rights.
The second resolution emphasized the right to a well-funded and regulated militia described in the U.S. Constitution and Commonwealth’s constitution.
According to Travis Hackworth, the Tazewell County Board of Supervisors Chairman, the resolution allocates funding from the county budget for the purpose of funding and maintaining a well-regulated militia.
Hackworth told News Channel 11 funding from the budget would go to programs such as the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts, JROTC programs and weapons training courses.
Hackworth says the passing of the resolution sends a message to Richmond that the rights of the individuals within the county will not be infringed upon.
Vice-chairman Charles Stacey said the militia resolution allows for immediate county intervention in the event that legislation that violates citizens’ Second Amendment rights is passed by the Virginia General Assembly.
Both Stacey and Hackworth told News Channel 11 that if laws are passed by the state that are in direct opposition of Second Amendment rights, an injunction will be prepared by Tazewell County.
Stacey said the passing of this resolution is a legal maneuver to protect individuals in the event that the state attempts to criminalize them supposing stricter gun laws are passed by the state.
Hackworth said despite the board of supervisors being made up of three Democrats and two Republicans, both resolutions passed unanimously.
Source: Murry Lee, WJHL.com