BULLHEAD CITY — A resident has asked the Bullhead City Council to consider declaring the city a Second Amendment Sanctuary location.

In the city and Mohave County anyone “can walk around at night feeling safe,” said Jamie Starr.

While one reason it’s safe is because the Bullhead City Police Department does “great police work,” she said, the other is that “no one knows who’s carrying a gun.”

Some of the council members are serving their final terms so this is “your chance to leave a lasting, true legacy,” Starr pointed out.

Some in the audience responded with applause.

The request came at Tuesday’s city council meeting during the call to the public, when people can talk about subjects not on the agenda. The request and inquiries are taken under advisement; council members can’t directly comment on most non-agenda items. Often, issues are referred to staff for consideration on a subsequent council agenda.

It came a day after Mohave County Board of Supervisors approved a resolution declaring the county a Second Amendment Sanctuary.

Cities within Mohave County aren’t subject to the county declaration, City Manager Toby Cotter explained before the meeting.

The city of Needles, California, approved its declaration in July and Mohave County declared its support for the Needles declaration in August.


Source: Terri Harber, Daily News (Mohave)