Customer with gun stops man stabbing security officer at Home Depot
A customer with a handgun stopped a shoplifting suspect from slashing a security officer with a contaminated needle and syringe outside a Home Depot store in Roseville, police said.
The gun ownership debate
[…] The nation has debated gun ownership and resolved it in gun owners’ favor, politically, and in the nation’s highest court.”
Janitor in fatal shooting of two Milwaukee teens has gun permit
The attorney for a maintenance worker who fatally shot two teens police say were attacking him with a baseball bat Wednesday said his client carried a gun because of the nature and location of his work, but is not a gun rights activist or even a hunter.
SAF, Calguns score Ninth Circuit victory in Richards carry case
“… [T]he Yolo County policy impermissibly infringes on the Second Amendment right to bear arms in lawful self-defense.”
Brady Law Has Done Little to Keep Guns Out of Criminals’ Hands
Last Friday marked the 20th anniversary of the so-called Brady Law, a federal gun control in honor of James Brady, Ronald Reagan’s former press secretary who was wounded in John Hinckley’s assassination attempt.
FBI report shows violent crime decreased as gun sales increased
Violent crime fell during the first six months of 2013 — at the same time the number of gun purchases was expanding.
Armed robber shot and killed by clerk
This is the second story we’ve reported this month in which a suspected armed robber armed with a stun gun was shot and killed by his would-be victim.
Off-duty officer stops armed man in restaurant
An off-duty California police officer is being hailed as a hero after he foiled the plans of an armed individual who walked into a restaurant on Valentine’s Day and allegedly threatened to kill everyone inside.
Ninth Circuit strikes California’s restrictive rule against licensed carry of handguns
The Ninth Circuit’s decision in Peruta v. San Diego, released minutes ago, affirms the right of law-abiding citizens to carry handguns for lawful protection in public.
Federal court deals gun-grabbers a blow in San Diego concealed carry ruling
In a major victory for gun rights activists, a federal appeals panel in California has rejected a law in San Diego County that requires applicants for concealed carry permits to demonstrate “good cause” as to why they need a gun for personal safety.
Court tosses California’s concealed weapons rules
- Federal appeals courts strikes down California’s concealed weapons permit rules
Penn and Teller’s take on the 2nd Amendment
How to test self-defense ammo
There is some great work being done to advance the state of the art in self-defense-specific handgun ammunition. One thing that hasn’t changed, though, is the price: It’s always expensive. Yet in using it you are trusting your life to it. So, how to you test it for function and reliability without breaking the bank? It doesn’t matter how many new features your ammunition has if it won’t cycle through your gun.
I have a quick test for new ammunition, and it requires only three rounds. Better yet, only two of those rounds have to be the expensive stuff. For the other round, you use your normal ball ammunition.
Reasons for requesting a CCW
If you don’t exercise your rights, they become weak and flabby.
Owning a gun isn’t enough
“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.”
Jeff Cooper
New research on mass shootings shows no increase in frequency, assault weapon use rare
A recently completed study at Northeastern University finds that many of the ‘facts’ circulated by gun control groups about mass shootings in the US are far from it. In fact, the study contends that mass murders rarely use ‘assault weapons,’ cannot be prevented with background checks and gun bans, and that the rates of these shootings as well as their toll is not increasing.
Guns don’t cause crime
“Guns cause crime like flies cause garbage.”
L. Neil Smith
Customer fatally shoots attempted robbery suspect
ORRVILLE, Ala. (AP) — Dallas County sheriffs say a man accused of trying to rob a dollar store in Orrville at gunpoint was fatally shot by a customer.
Texas senator proposes bill for nationwide concealed carry reciprocity
On Friday, a Texas senator introduced the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2014 which would treat concealed carry permits similar to drivers’ licenses, allowing permit holders to legally carry a concealed firearm between states without requiring a different permit for each state.
CO lawmaker: Arapahoe school shooting ‘validated’ the need for armed staff
Colorado State Sen. Ted Harvey introduced a bill which would allow teachers and other staff to carry concealed guns on school property and, although the bill was introduced before the Arapahoe High School shooting in Centennial, Colorado, last month, Harvey claims that the introduction of yet another tragedy only reiterates the need for armed staff in our schools.