Make your guns totally invisible
Make your guns totally invisible.
Dissenting opinion by Circuit Judge Patrick J. Bumatay
- Duncan v. Bonta (United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, Case No. 19-55376)
Dissenting opinion by Circuit Judge Lawrence VanDyke
- Duncan v. Bonta (United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, Case No. 19-55376)
Top 8 reasons you absolutely don’t need a gun
Are you thinking about buying a gun? Ew. What’s wrong with you? Gross! Just … ew. Guns are very problematic, and so are the people who use them. You don’t need one. Here’s why.
Verdict: Kyle Rittenhouse found not guilty on all charges
A jury in Kenosha, Wisconsin, found 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty of all charges on Friday.
Kyle Rittenhouse defended himself using a gun he had the right to carry
- The truth is that, according to the FBI, rifles like the AR-15 kill far fewer times than hands and feet, and fewer times than knives.
Remington firearms becomes latest manufacturer to flee an anti-gun state to warmer business climate in the south
Republican Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced Monday that America’s oldest firearms manufacturer, Remington Firearms, will locate its global headquarters from New York to Georgia and open both a manufacturing operation and a world-class research and development center in LaGrange, Georgia.
Media: Why Do Reporting When We Already Know Rittenhouse Is a Terrorist?
There is no freedom without the freedom to defend yourself
All of human history shows us that a disarmed populace is a vulnerable populace. Vulnerable to tyrants. Vulnerable to criminals.
Disarming the citizenry
“When you disarm your subjects, however, you offend them by showing that either from cowardliness or lack of faith, you distrust them; and either conclusion will induce them to hate you.”
Niccolo Machiavelli, (1469-1527) Italian Statesman and Political Philosopher
Gunmaker Kimber moving its corporate headquarters to Alabama
TROY, Alabama — Less than three years after selecting a site in Troy for a firearms manufacturing plant, Kimber Mfg Inc. announced plans to move its corporate headquarters to the Alabama city.
Ammunition update from Federal / DCI / Speer
Universal justification for the use of deadly force
You are universally justified in the necessary use of deadly force when there is a reasonable fear of immediate or otherwise unavoidable danger of death or serious bodily injury to the innocent. (Each of these factors must be present.)
The thin line is getting thinner
Be prepared to defend yourself and your family because it’s going to be a long time before a cop can get there. That’s not alarmist talk. That’s a reality.
Seattle Police Officer’s Guild President Mike Solan
Concealed Carry Permit holders across the United States: 2021
During the Coronavirus pandemic, the number of concealed handgun permits has soared to over 21.52 million — a 48% increase since 2016. It’s also a 10.5% increase over the number of permits we counted a year ago in 2020. Unlike gun ownership surveys that may be affected by people’s unwillingness to answer personal questions, concealed handgun permit data is the only really “hard data” that we have. This increase occurred despite 21 Constitutional Carry states that no longer provide data on all those legally carrying a concealed handgun because people in those states no longer need a permit to carry.
Smith & Wesson moving HQ out of Mass. as anti-gun bills threatening 60% of its revenue left company ‘no choice’
After more than a hundred and fifty years in Massachusetts, iconic gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson is moving its headquarters to Tennessee in order to escape new anti-gun legislation that would cost the company approximately sixty percent of its annual revenue.
Court rejects qualified immunity for cop who arrested gun owner carrying valid permit
In a welcome win for police accountability and gun rights, a federal court rejected a Connecticut police officer’s demand for qualified immunity after he arrested a driver with a valid gun permit for his legally owned firearm. Blocking the driver’s lawsuit and siding with the officer, Judge Janet Bond Atherton wrote in her opinion, “would eviscerate Fourth Amendment protections for lawfully armed individuals.”
One day, son
“Son, one day you’ll be a man.”
NYPD will issue easier-to-fire guns to new recruits, aiming for improved accuracy
NYPD recruits will receive guns that are easier to fire under a new initiative to improve accuracy, the Daily News has learned.
20 attorneys general join fight against Joe Biden’s executive gun control
Republican attorneys general from 20 states are taking up the fight against President Joe Biden’s executive gun control regarding firearm parts and kits.