• This side-effect of the gay marriage ruling will make liberals EXPLODE

    Yesterday, as you know, five justices on the SCOTUS redefined what marriage is in America and also found the time to violate the concept of federalism. They decided that an individual’s behavioral choice was grounds to create a new “right” in the U.S. Constitution. Now of course there are those of you who are somewhat despondent, but just know that in every storm there is a rainbow — quite sure y’all get my tongue-in-cheek comment. Yep, since now the SCOTUS has determined it can bequeath a right to marriage across all 50 states, there is an interesting point to be made.

  • Federal court to rule on restrictive concealed weapons permits

    Federal appeals judges on Tuesday peppered attorneys for 2nd Amendment advocates about why the longtime rule of the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department to determine who receives concealed weapons permits should be struck down.

  • Americans prefer living in neighborhoods with guns

    American Voters overwhelming prefer living in a neighborhood where they have the option of owning a gun than to live where nobody is allowed to be armed.

  • NRA: Gun blogs, videos, web forums threatened by new Obama regulation

    Commonly used and unregulated internet discussions and videos about guns and ammo could be closed down under rules proposed by the State Department, amounting to a “gag order on firearm-related speech,” the National Rifle Association is warning.

  • ‘Everytown’ loses big in Nevada

    Say goodbye to handgun registration in and around Las Vegas, Nevada. On Monday, Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval signed Senate Bill 175, abolishing Clark County’s “blue card” handgun registration system while ushering in a host of other pro-gun changes to state law.

  • Actor Vince Vaughn: ‘We Have Right to Bear Arms to Resist … Corrupt and Abusive Gov’t’

    Actor Vince Vaughn says he supports gun owner’s rights, “We don’t have the right to bear arms because of burglars; we have the right to bear arms to resist the supreme power of a corrupt and abusive government,” Vaughn recently told a magazine.

  • Judge’s ruling allows concealed-carry for D.C. gun owners, shoots down police objections

    A federal judge on Thursday rejected a short-term stay of a decision that blocked the District from enforcing a key provision of its restrictive concealed-carry laws — prompting the city to move to issue carry permits to the gun owners who had sued after being denied permits.

  • Federal judge says DC gun carry law is unconstitutional

    A federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction saying the District of Columbia’s new concealed carry law is unconstitutional.

  • Defending your rights

    If you can’t defend your rights, you don’t have any.

  • Important briefs filed in Peruta

    In February 2014, the NRA and CRPA sponsored Peruta v. San Diego County case resulted in a monumental ruling by a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. That decision held that the San Diego County Sheriff’s policy of refusing to issue licenses to carry firearms in public unless an applicant could demonstrate a special need beyond general self-defense, was an unconstitutional violation of the Second Amendment. Though Sheriff Gore accepted the ruling and publicly stated he would not seek to overturn it, on March 26, 2015, the Ninth Circuit itself took the rare step of ordering the case to be re-heard by an eleven-judge “en banc” panel, setting an argument date of June 16, 2015, at 3:30pm in San Francisco, California.

  • Study: College-age concealed permit holders don’t fit left’s lawless portrayal

    On April 20, Breitbart News reported that Colorado has had Campus Carry for concealed carry permit holders since 2003, and there have been no mass shootings nor crimes by permit holders.

  • Sheriff John McMahon on CCW permits

  • Ohio now recognizes all out-of-state concealed carry permits

    If you have a concealed carry permit and live in another state, Ohio now welcomes you.

  • Crime stats released

    Property crimes are on the decline in the High Desert but violent crime rose last year in some local communities, according to annual county crime statistics released by First District Supervisor Robert Lovingood’s office Tuesday.

  • Oregon sheriff: Gun control push ‘borderline treasonous,’ will not enforce

    While Oregon Democrats stood with Gabby Giffords and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence to push expanded background checks on April 1, Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer stood for the law-abiding citizens whom the checks will target by describing the gun control push as “borderline treasonous.”

  • Kansas to allow carrying of concealed guns without permit

    Kansas will become the fifth state to allow its residents to carry concealed firearms without a permit throughout the state.

  • D.C. gives up on ban on carrying guns in public

    Washington, D.C., will drop its appeal of a federal court ruling that overturned the city’s ban on carrying handguns in public, Attorney General Karl Racine announced Wednesday.

  • More Guns = Less Crime; California Style

    Very little is predictable in crazy California. But anyone familiar with gun control advocate spin tactics could have predicted that the civilian disarmament groups would be spewing their morning lattes after learning that last year the Golden State actually had way more handguns, and much less crime.

  • The battle for ‘shall issue’ is on

    Federal Appeals Court will re-consider victory in California right to carry case, Peruta v. San Diego

  • Immigration out of control

    • The government can’t even deport the alien criminals