Oklahoma judge rejects challenge to ‘permitless carry’ law
An Oklahoma judge on Wednesday rejected an attempt by a Democratic state lawmaker and gun safety advocates to block a new law that will allow most people in the state to carry a firearm in public without a background check or training.
Judge strikes Pittsburgh ban on use of AR-15s, ‘high cap’ magazines
The Allegheny Court of Common Pleas on Monday struck down Pittsburgh’s ban on the use of AR-15s inside city limits.
Superior Court judge strikes down Seattle gun storage ordinance
Superior Court Judge Anita Farris struck down Seattle’s gun storage ordinance Monday, ruling it violates the state’s 36-year-old preemption law.
Mexico’s soaring murder rate proves gun control is deadly
- Its laws are among the world’s least permissive. And most criminals don’t get weapons from the U.S.
One answer for three questions
- How to fail the victim interview.
New Concealed Carry Report for 2019: 18.66 million Permit holders despite 16 constitutional carry states, over 1.4 million more than last year
A copy of this report is available here. Copies of our annual reports from 2014 through 2018 are available here.
Debunking ‘assault rifle’ lies
Second Amendment rights
For those who do not understand the meaning of our Second Amendment rights, let us make it clear once and for all:
The NRA stands upon a cornerstone of liberty
The NRA isn’t just under attack in the opening salvo of this political season because it stands steadfastly in defense of our right to keep and bear arms. The NRA also is under an unprecedented assault right now because, by stubbornly refusing to give up this most fundamental of rights, the NRA is taking a stand upon a cornerstone of individual liberty that, by default, also protects the very nature of American freedom.
Little Boy Beto and his party declare of war on law-abiding Americans
So now we have heard the Democrats’ eternally adolescent, presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke promise that, if elected, he will order the national government’s police and military forces to seize AR-15s and other incorrectly described “assault weapons” from law-abiding U.S. citizens. It is an odd and, perhaps, even a dangerous decision to tell Americans that you will strip them of inalienable rights as soon as you can, but there you are.
Prozac maker paid millions to secure favorable verdict in mass shooting lawsuit, victims say
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The drugmaker that produces Prozac, the antidepressant that Joseph Wesbecker’s victims blamed for his deadly shooting rampage 30 years ago at Standard Gravure, secretly paid the victims $20 million to help ensure a verdict exonerating the drug company.
Dear San Francisco: I am not a terrorist
Maine tops ‘safest states’ rankings four years after removing major gun restriction
AUGUSTA — When Maine passed a “Constitutional Carry” law allowing Maine residents to carry a concealed firearm without any special permit in 2015, opponents of the law forecast a dangerous future for the state. They said the new law would hurt public safety and put Maine kids at risk.
California sheriff encourages concealed-carry holders in his county to ‘exercise their rights’
Promoting the right to bear arms and defend yourself, a California sheriff is encouraging law-abiding concealed-carry holders in his jurisdiction to help safeguard themselves and others.
Studies find no evidence that assault weapon bans reduce homicide rates
- The studies, data, and examination of the available evidence by scholars suggest that assault weapon bans or buybacks will have little if any effect on rates of violent crime and gun violence.
Why criminal mentality might matter
Tom Givens recommended in the Rangemaster 2018 Three-Day Firearms Instructor Development and Certification Class a book on criminal psychology titled Inside the Criminal Mind, by Stanton E. Samenow, Ph.D. I recently acquired this book and found it to be hard to put down. Having some idea of how violent criminals might look at the world and what they are capable of constitutes useful knowledge for the concealed carrier. Please be advised that this article addresses only a few of the points made in this book. I have intentionally avoided using terms like “always” and “will” in favor of “possibly” and “may” in an attempt to avoid blanket generalizations, but I personally would always attempt to be prepared for the worst-case scenario when it comes to an interaction or confrontation with another person whose mentality and intent is questionable.
Congressional GOP misses the mark with gun confiscation proposal
Some Republicans in Congress are seeking to pass a “red flag law,” which would grant law enforcement to do what legal precedent has rarely permitted — forcefully enter homes and confiscate lawful firearms without any evidence of a crime.
Here we go again …
In the aftermath of another deranged killer using a gun as the tool to commit his homicidal and suicidal acts of violence, the hand-wringing gun grabbers are at it again. They are wasting no time in exploiting the deaths of innocent people by pointing their finger at GUNS as the cause of the carnage and wanting to ban them.
Visa pledges to process gun sales as long as people can buy guns
Visa chairman and CEO Alfred Kelly says his company will continue to process gun sales as long as buying guns is a legal activity.
Supreme Court: Right to bear arms protected by the highest category of liberty recognized by law
- It’s the Constitution that has the final say