On August 22, 2014, the lives of two families were forever changed.

Just eight weeks out of the Police Academy, my son Marcus was patrolling with his Field Training Officer, Gabe Garcia when they were ambushed.

The way it happened was the two officers exited their vehicle, to speak with five individuals on the street. One of the individuals walked towards Gabe and once he got close to the officer, he pulled out a .38 and shot him point blank in the head. My son Marcus, the rookie officer, then took on gunfire while the gunman ran to his truck to get his AK-47.

While trying to avoid getting shot, my son Marcus was also trying everything he could to get to his non responsive partner.

My son Marcus was in a two minute gun battle, eventually killing the gunman.

He does not remember reloading. He just remembers having 4 bullets left, and thinking that this was it.

My family are all members of Front Sight. They have been members for several years. All of my boys have been trained by their dad at our local gun range and also Front Sight. They participate in three gun shoots, action pistol and C.M.P.

My son Marcus was the Top Shot of his graduating class at the police academy. Although he received great training through his academy, I truly believe that the reason he was able to survive this hardship is because of the training he received at Front Sight.

During the shooting, my son felt like he had been hit many times, but he was unscathed by the 50 rounds that were being aimed at him and he eventually shot down the gunman.

As a mother, I still can’t help to think about all of the what ifs? What if my son hadn’t felt comfortable with a gun? What if he hadn’t had so much experience shooting and training? What if he had run out of ammo? What if he had not been able to win? It’s terrible to think about how my son had to fight a war in his own backyard- to save himself and his Field Training Officer.

Although what happened to Gabe was tragic, the Garcia family could have been facing a very different tragedy if Marcus had not won the gunfight to keep both himself and Gabe alive. I want to do anything in my power to help Gabe and his amazing family. I have been raising money for Gabe through “Go Fund Me” and have been working on other fundraisers as well. I want to do more than just raise money for this family. I want to do something great for both of these heroes. I would love if the San Bernardino City Police Department could train with your facility. It is of the utmost importance that these cops are completely comfortable and accurate when using their firearms. I want these heroes to have all of the training they need to be successful. Their lives, and the lives of other innocent people depend on their firearm skills.

My son visits Gabe weekly to check in on him and see the progress he is making. He is reminded every time he sees his FTO about how dangerous his occupation is and what he risks by being a police officer. My hope is for my son and Gabe to know that they are not alone in this battle. That they can heal and be helped through people’s support, prayers and donations.


Here is a photo of my son Marcus and his Field Training Officer Gabe Garcia This is a picture of Marcus and Gabe, first time seeing each other since Gabe was released from the rehabilitation center. I initiated the Home Depot, Wounded Warrior project to give Gabe’s home a makeover so that it would be accommodating for his needs once he’s living on his own. There was a whole team of amazing supporters who helped make his home beautiful.

I’m hoping that after hearing this story about one of your Front Sight members, that you would be willing to make a donation to these worthy heroes.

Here is the link for GOFUNDME if you would like to donate that way. https://www.gofundme.com/e6ddtw

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Becca Pesquera